michelle miller

Michelle Miller began writing pseudonymously in 2012, while working as an Associate at J.P. Morgan's Private Bank.

Fiction, for her, is a way of understanding truths the facts can't explain, and logging observations out-of-place in the polite society she wishes to maintain. She is particularly interested in stories that play on the concerns of the modern elite, and experimenting with new models that revive fiction to a place of relevance within that set. To that end, Ther Underwriting - a satire of Wall Street & Silicon Valley - was initially released as a weekly serial on a venture-backed multi-media platform she designed and built; after gaining a following there, she sold rights to Penguin to publish it as a novel in 16 translations. For her short stories about women and sex, she partnered with Amazon's new 'Original Stories' imprint to deliver binge-able single-sitting reads under the titles The Fairer Sex and Women on Top; a subsequent print publication is forthcoming. And as for her current project...well...it'll either be a total disaster or delicious fun.

In addition, Michelle has written the TV adaptations for The Underwriting and The Fairer Sex with Fox and Amazon Studios, respectively. Alas, neither went to air, but both are back up for grabs, so please reach out if you're the producing type.

The nonfiction on this site - the Diary and Videos sections - offer a glimpse into her brain's preoccupations, for better or worse. Most is from the time of COVID, when the stability required to write decent fiction  seemed beyond reasonable grasp.

As for those last particulars: Michelle holds a B.A. and MBA from Stanford University. She lives between London, England, and Asheville, North Carolina, where she was born and raised.